Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. (Revelation 2:10)
Revelation 2020
In the United States today, the dominant view among Christians concerning the end-times is something very similar to the "Left Behind" scenario. In contrast to this popular view, the New Testament book of Revelation accurately gives a centuries-old Amillennial view. This series will help the listener understand that the seven seals, trumpets, etc. all introduce the same period of time and do not follow a strict chronology that many churches promote today. Symbols will be explained and ordered to keep them understandable. The thought of the end of the world is quite frightening, but this Christ-centered book gives a clear focus to the “good-news” Gospel of life eternally with Christ in heaven. Instead of feeling fearful about the eschatology given in this book of prophesy, we will long for Christ's return.