Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sin


Live Stream Schedule

All times posted are Pacific Standard Time.

THURSDAY, January 7
8:00 a.m. On Marriage and Family Life Book Study
11:00 a.m. 1 Kings Bible Study

SUNDAY, January 10 - The Baptism of Our Lord
8:00 a.m. Divine Service
9:20 a.m. Revelation Bible Study
10:30 a.m. Divine Service

Interactive Online Bible Studies

MONDAY Men's Study
No Men's Bible Study online. Resumes on January 11 at 6 p.m.

TUESDAY, Women's Study
No Women's Bible Study resumes on January 12

Click here for our church calendar which includes in person services.

New: FaithCapo Radio

New: Beta test of FaithCapo radio audio-only stream.
Visit or use the player below. Live events played as they are available. Archived recordings replayed at other times.

Live Stream

(also available on Facebook)

During live events the video will play right here in this window. After an event has ended, the most recently recorded event will be shown. Scroll down or click here to see previous recordings.

If you don't see a live video here when you expect to, you may have arrived before the event started. Please Click to Refresh at the time the event is supposed to start.

BACKUP STREAM: click here (Vimeo) or here (

Live:Sundays at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Bible studies Sundays at 9:20 a.m., and Thursdays studies at 8:00 and 11:00 a.m.
(all times are Pacific Daylight Time).

Donate to Faith Capo

We appreciate your donations to help cover the costs of our ministry.

Click the Donate Now button to make either a one-time or a recurring donation. Thanks for your support!

Previous Recordings (

Here is a list of most recent videos recorded on Vimeo.