Dear Faith Lutheran Church,

What a blessing it was to have the baptism of Ambrose David Muench at yesterday’s service! Hopefully you were able to see it streamed live at If not, you should check out the recording sometime today! The sermon reminds us, too, of the ongoing blessing and power of baptism in our lives.

We are God’s baptized children. He is our Father, now and for all eternity. He has washed our sins away. He has claimed us as His own. All this He has done, not because we have deserved it, but solely for the sake of Jesus. The scriptures say that God is at peace with us through the blood of the cross. Therefore, He delights to call us His children and He promises that nothing in all creation will separate us from His love for us in Christ Jesus!

Please continue to join us online (with your family) for all streamed Services. Don’t simply watch – participate! The Service Folder can be downloaded with the click of a button. We know that many of you have chosen to continue your tithing online through the “Donate Now” button. Others are choosing to mail in their checks in opaque envelopes. Your support allows us to continue proclaiming the gospel and offering the sacraments at a time when people need it the most. Thank you.

Our online streaming schedule for this week (3/23-3/29) is as follows:

  • Wednesday, March 25, at 7 p.m. Lenten Vespers and Sermon Series on Amos

  • Thursday, March 26, at approximately 8 a.m. Large Catechism Study

  • Thursday, March 26, at approximately 11 a.m. Bible Study on the Book of Judges

  • Sunday, March 29, at 8 a.m. Divine Service

  • Sunday, March 29, at approximately 9:20 a.m. “The Lord’s Supper: Communion with God”

  • Sunday, March 29, at 10:30 a.m. Divine Service

Our Services at Faith Lutheran Church will continue but attendance is limited to a maximum of 9 people, by prior sign up only. We will follow CDC guidelines. If you are sick, you must not come. If Pastor Rhode gets sick, services may be abruptly cancelled. We will send out information regarding on-line sign ups soon. For now, you can also email Pastor Rhode and reserve your spot.

Services this week will be offered as follows:

Wednesday, March 25

  • 5 p.m. Abbreviated Vespers (No Communion)

  • 6 p.m. Abbreviated Vespers (No Communion)

  • 7 p.m. Vespers (No Communion) *streamed online

Thursday, March 26

  • 6:30 a.m. Individual Confession & Absolution

  • 7 a.m. Abbreviated Divine Service

Sunday, March 29

  • 8 a.m. Divine Service *streamed online

  • 10:30 a.m. Divine Service *streamed online

  • 12:00 p.m. Abbreviated Divine Service

  • 1:00 p.m Abbreviated Divine Service

Additionally, Pastor Rhode is happy to provide a brief Service of Communion for you and your family by appointment. At present this works best for you to come to Faith. Please contact Pastor Rhode to schedule.

In closing, I simply want to say that I thank God for all of you. We have been blessed by God with such a wonderful congregation. Please pray for one another. Reach out to one another. Offer to help if you are able. Offer an ear. Help folks find us online. Our loving God and Father works through His baptized children. May He work through you also.

In Christ,

Pastor Rhode