An Update From Pastor Rhode on March 18, 2020
Dear Faith Lutheran Church,
As you well know, the community response to the coronavirus is changing rapidly. Our Lord changes not. His cross changes not. His forgiveness of our sins changes not. His resurrection and triumph over death changes not. His daily provision and loving-kindness toward us change not. The world may be rattled, but our God is not. A mighty and unchanging fortress is He – and in Him we may take daily comfort and find true peace.
As of today, March 18, all onsite Bible studies, Sunday school classes, and other activities at Faith have been cancelled, except for services.
Tonight’s Lenten Vespers service will be held at 7:00 p.m. as scheduled. Social distancing will be full effect. Cleaning will occur after each service. Additional precautions will be implemented. This will be a work in progress. Check for the latest updates.
Wednesday, March 18 (Tonight)
7 p.m. Vespers, no Communion (will be streamed online at
Soup Supper is cancelled
Thursday, March 19 (Tomorrow)
6:30 a.m. Confession & Absolution
7 a.m. Abbreviated Divine Service
Thursday Bible Studies are cancelled. (These will resume shortly via online streaming)
Most of our members will choose not to attend these services. This is completely fine. It is not a violation of the Third Commandment. It is not an “oh ye of little faith” moment. Not at all!
If you are sick, you must stay at home. If you are in a susceptible state of health, you should stay home. If you believe it is best for your family to remain at home, then remain at home. It is time to dust off the family Bible and Small Catechism. It is time for daily devotions and prayers. It is time for father and mother to teach the faith at home and participate in our services online.
We will be broadcasting our main services at This is also where you will find updated information, important links, online giving, and others tools and resources.
Continuing to provide services of Word and Sacrament at Faith Capo for as long as possible is “essential” (to use the government’s language), especially for those who desire it enough to come. We will do everything in our power to retain our services as long as it is safe to do so. If, out of love for our neighbors, we need to shut down our services for a time, we will be offering even more content online.
As fast as things are changing, significant portions of this letter may be obsolete by the time you read it. That’s okay. We will adapt. Updated information will be forthcoming. In the meantime, let us remember that our almighty God and Father changes not. Nor does the death and resurrection of His Son for us. Nor does the ongoing work and power of the Holy Spirit in our midst and in our lives.
In Christ,
Pastor Rhode