A Statement on the Coronavirus and Faith Capo
March 15, 2020
Dear Faith Lutheran Church,
As the world around us reacts to the coronavirus with panic and fear, I can think of no better words to share with you than those of our Lord Jesus. On the night before He would go to the cross and lay down His life for us, He said to His disciples: “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
The reason the world is reacting with panic and fear is because it does not know Jesus and, therefore, does not know eternal life. If this life was all you had, you might panic and be afraid too.
We Christians have Christ. We have the One who has conquered death. We have the One who grants us God’s forgiveness. We have the One who will, “when our last hour comes, give us a blessed end, and graciously take us from this valley of sorrow to Himself in heaven.” So, in the first place, we need not fear.
In the second place, because Christ has so loved us, we want to love one another. Rest assured that Faith Capo leadership is actively monitoring the coronavirus situation and our congregational response to it. Here are some things to keep in mind:
If you feel sick, please stay home from church. If you are in a fragile state of health or in a susceptible demographic, you may also stay home from church. You should feel no guilt about this. These are extraordinary circumstances. It is not a violation of the Third Commandment to miss church due to health concerns. Did you know that Faith Capo broadcasts our Sunday service on Facebook and at faithcapo.com
If you visit an area with an active coronavirus outbreak, or come into contact with someone with the coronavirus, take at least a two-week break from church. Again, Faith Capo broadcasts our Sunday service on Facebook and at faithcapo.com. As you interact with others online or through electronic communications, let them know about this important resource – evangelism has never been easier.
Get connected. The information we have on the coronavirus may change and so may our response to it here at Faith Capo. For example, it may become necessary to add services or hold our services outside in order to achieve appropriate social distancing. There may also come a time when it becomes necessary to suspend some or all of the activities at Faith Capo. Information will be sent out via email and Facebook, so please confirm that you are already receiving Faith Capo’s emails or know how to access Faith Capo on Facebook.
Out of love for one another, we are asking everyone to wash their hands, especially before entering the Sanctuary. Hand-sanitizer can be found near the sanctuary entrance. We are also discouraging the shaking of hands and we encourage you, as much as is possible, to spread out in the Sanctuary (see those wonderful looking seats all the way in the front?)
At present, we will not be passing offering plates but will instead have them located at the door. You can give when you enter, and the offerings will be taken to the altar during the service, or you can give as you leave. Opportunities to give online will be forthcoming. Please do continue to be generous during these times when offerings might be down. Even if Faith Capo must close for a time, our ministry will continue online, by email and phone, and, if possible, by pastoral visitation.
If it is a burden on your conscience to receive Holy Communion at this time, you may remain seated during the distribution. You should feel no guilt in doing so. Likewise, you may choose to receive Communion using the individual cups. Again, you should feel no guilt in doing so. Faith Capo will continue to offer the chalice or “common cup” for those who desire it. In the past, multiple studies have shown that receiving from the chalice poses little or no additional risk.
Each day, pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their needs. Pray because our Father in heaven promises to hear you. Pray because it pleases God and is good for your soul. Pray because your prayers do indeed drive away the devil and help your neighbor. “God tenderly invites us to believe that He is our true Father and that we are His true children, so that with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.”
Do not be afraid. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, knows how to take care of His flock.
As always, if you have any questions or need pastoral care, do not hesitate to reach out.
In Christ,
Pastor Rhode