But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. - 1 Samuel 8:19
1 Samuel 2020
The Book of 1 Samuel records oaths for the main characters: Elkanah, Hannah, and Samuel; and even the Lord, who vows judgment on Eli and his sons. These vows show how greatly God treasures a promise. This book also records how the Lord constantly cares for His people, despite their weaknesses. The Lord hears the people’s prayers and calls them to repentance again and again. Ultimately, He eventually raises them up as a unified nation under His servant David, the prophet-king. This book, together with 2 Samuel, begins to anticipate the rule of the greater King, whose reign shall never end. Like all Scripture, the history of Israel’s prophets, priests, and kings ultimately points to Jesus.